asian reporter trisha takanawa waves good bye
poligamy was quite common among chinese men (especially when male:female ratio was 10:1) but it was outlawed in 60s-70s. interestingly, only new registrations of marriages beyond the first one were considered illegal. you're not a criminal if you were lucky to settle it beforehand.
before 60s-70s street hawkers used to walk around the streets and produce tok tok sound with two bamboo sticks, thus announcing the arrival of food (differing rythms for different type). sort of delivery service. nope, hawkers should be clustered into food courts to ensure hygiene.
also, before the war, a third of chinese men were addicted to opium but this chasing of a dragon is also considered illegal nowadays (yes yes, you're executed for any drug abuse).
all the mess is cleared and now singapore is sad.
long quees near the lottery stands every week are sad. the religion of 5cs (cash+creditcard+car+condo+countryclub+(coffin)) is sad. living life in advance, kiasu, is sad. being proud of it as well.
singapore looks like the worst futuristic dream. it's sad to leave it though.